Thursday, January 3, 2013


I know it has been a LONG time since I have been on here but I am hoping to get back on track.  I have found that doing a resolution just doesn't work for me so I am doing monthly goals.  I am hoping making smaller achievable goals will help.

Both hubby and I pick our "word" of the year.  Another little motivation tool for us.  Mine this year is health. I really need to get back on track for many reasons.  The biggest being hubby has a weight loss challenge for me and when I reach it we get to book a trip to Disney.  This is huge to me, haven't been yet and I can't believe I haven't died yet from not going!

My other January goals are to do at least 4 things from Pinterest, I'm hoping to loose 10 lbs, I need to do some organizing in the kitchen (long story), make 10 scrapbook pages and try for at least 2 blog posts a week.

I will try to keep an update on here in the hopes that will keep me to them!

I hope you have a prosperous 2013!

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