Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sprucing up a garbage can

Time for me to actually do some crafty stuff this year!  I will admit I have had a little time in the craft room being crafty but mainly a LOT of organizing has been going on.  One of these days I will get it presentable enough I can take pictures and share.  Not just one corner done!  That's more my style.

So it had been bugging me that I had this garbage can out in the hallway across from my craft room that we only put stuff for the recycle bin.  I'm always afraid someone will use it as trash.

Trusty Cricut to the rescue.  I have a bunch of vinyl scraps.  Our local place sells bags of scraps for $5 and I love them since it is a great value and since I am usually doing smaller things it works out great for me.  Now she sells 12" x 24" pieces for $3 which also a great bargain if you have bought them from craft stores.

I swear by Cricut Craft room for all my cutting.  The only downside is that you have to have internet connection to use it but it is free.  This is hard since most of my cropping places I go to don't have internet so I usually only use my Cricut at home.

This week, which started today, the triangle image is free.  Every week CCR gives out use of different cartridges and images.  It is from the Spring Cards cartridge, which I have but saved me from digging it out.  I also used the free font on CCR to add the "recycle".

And since I'm lazy I used the negative image on the other side so I didn't have to cut another one.

Since I had to wait awhile for the update that the Cricut needed I decided to cut out another label I wanted.  I use these Iris scrapbook containers for sorting papers, making page kits and holding projects.  I need to label more of them but have to figure out exactly what I want.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I know it has been a LONG time since I have been on here but I am hoping to get back on track.  I have found that doing a resolution just doesn't work for me so I am doing monthly goals.  I am hoping making smaller achievable goals will help.

Both hubby and I pick our "word" of the year.  Another little motivation tool for us.  Mine this year is health. I really need to get back on track for many reasons.  The biggest being hubby has a weight loss challenge for me and when I reach it we get to book a trip to Disney.  This is huge to me, haven't been yet and I can't believe I haven't died yet from not going!

My other January goals are to do at least 4 things from Pinterest, I'm hoping to loose 10 lbs, I need to do some organizing in the kitchen (long story), make 10 scrapbook pages and try for at least 2 blog posts a week.

I will try to keep an update on here in the hopes that will keep me to them!

I hope you have a prosperous 2013!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

It's been one of those weeks

I view Sunday as the beginning of the week, I know some think Monday starts the week.  I am just happy that today is the last day of the week for me.

It all started Sunday.  One Sundays we usually go to Williams Sonoma for their free technique classes.  When we got home I knew it was time to mow.  Our lawn was finally ready after it was brown and we couldn't water it the storms came through and we had days of rain so it was green and GROWING!

I do most of the lawn care.  And I will point out it does not look like a golf course, I still don't know what I am doing.  I took out the riding mower to get the yard done.  Hubby actually got the lawn edger going and was edging the lawn.  When I finished I got out the push mower to try to trim around the edges.  This is were it all went south.

Apparently I ran over a yellow jacket's nest.  As I was pushing the mower I felt something on my leg.  I thought the lawn mower had kicked back a rock.  When it happened again I looked down to see a bunch of the yellow jackets around me.

I personally don't know the difference between those and wasps, hornets and bees but hubby does.  Thankfully he was there to help get them off me.  It turns out I got stung like 5 times.  Good thing is that this is the first time I have been stung by anything and found out I am not allergic.  Even hubby got it once between the eyes, OUCH!

So I took it easy the rest of that day because I couldn't do anything but lay with ice packs on me.

Felt a little better Monday so I ran errands and just did normal old stuff.  Went to go to bed and fell.  Now you have to know we have the tallest bed and I am short!  We have a tall mattress with then a 4 inch gel topper on it and it doesn't help that we put the bed on risers. So shorty here needs a little footstool to get into bed.

I stepped on just the edge of it and it flipped up, I hit my nightstand on the way down.  Great now I am totally sore from this.  I still have a couple bruises from this but all in all it wasn't that bad.

Then Tuesday night I went to make some chicken tacos and when I opened the package of chicken it was bad.  I was more upset since it was one I bought at the store and it was before it's date.  I guess those can't be trusted.  It was a frozen pizza for me and I think a panini for hubby after that.

I figured my bad luck was over and the week was going along until Thursday night.

We bought tickets to watch the Batman trilogy at the local movie theatre.  Starting at 6pm we watched Batman Begins then there was an intermission then the Dark Knight started.  Thankfully we were able to get out dinner done and a drunk jerk behind us threw up on us.

I won't go into all the details but I do have to say the management handled it amazingly.  It's hard to control people when there is liquor involved but they did a great job.

At midnight the Dark Knight rises started.  It was an amazing movie, I want to see it again.  I have to admit I am a big batman fan going back to the TV episodes with Adam West.

As you can see, I'm ready to see what next week holds and I sure hope it is a better week!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July goals

I decided this year instead of having a resolution that would be broken by the end of January I would set monthly goals.  In theory it was a better idea but then again I know I would have left a resolution once January 15th rolled around.

For July my goals are to loose 10 lbs, get 10 scrapbook pages done, make 10 Christmas cards, do at least 3 things that I have pinned on Pinterest and go to the gym at least three times a week.

I will try to check in weekly with a report.  I think these are doable.  I know it sounds a little early to work on Christmas cards but I usually send out about 60 a year so if I start now I won't have to worry about getting them all done right before the holidays when I am stressed about everything else.  Plus we will be cruising in December so I need to be ahead of the game this year.

What goals did you set at the beginning of the year?  Do you set monthly goals?

TV Favorites

Okay, I don't have a problem announcing here to the world that I am a TV junkie.  Just love it.  Awhile ago, I watched more movies but now I am addicted to TV.  A lot of reality TV but I like scripted shows too.

So, today I was looking to watch a show on demand and noticed that the one channel wasn't in my favorite list on the cable box.  I went to the channel and kept trying to add it to the list.  And it wouldn't not work :(

Then I realized, it will only let me have 20 favorites!  WHAT!  You have a million channels and I have to narrow it down to 20.  I had to take one off of the list so I could put the on demand channel.

Then I realized the show I wanted to watch wasn't even on last night, so there wasn't a new one to watch.  DOH

BTW it was Bunheads.  I didn't want to like this since I don't try to take on new shows but it is written by the same person as Gilmore Girls.  And even though I know NOTHING about ballet I love this show.  It is all about the writing.  It is hilarious!  Even hubby laughed when I watched the first episode and he was in the room.  He is a hard one to entertain since he mainly likes action movies and sci fi shows/movies.